Easter in Taos, in my limited experience, seems to mean one of two things; rain or snow. This year was no exception and the weekend brought in a storm front that included both forms of precipitation. It is good for the flowers and trees and also gave us the excuse (as if we need one) to hang around the fire and eat. Easter day we had brunch including homemade bagels, ginger oatmeal, breakfast burritos, Chocolate, pancakes, and more. On the Sat before Easter, we went to our friends church for a hunt, went and planted seeds in a local greenhouse and went to an egg hunt at the pool. It was a cool idea, in the pool, and there were lots of eggs but they started the hunt off by turning on the overhead fountain which brought sheer terror from our camp. Leyla and Lukey were very brave and collected a few eggs while Auntie Monique gathered the mother lode ;) It was a great weekend.

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