December is here and with it the countdown to Christmas. I love advent calendars and the anticipation of opening the doors and getting the surprises. So, that is something that I am passing on to my kids and Luke is now the age that he understands a bit about time. It is the first thing he wants to do in the morning and he talks about it all day; what shape he got and what shape Logan got that day and all the days previous. Logan also knows that when the calendars come down there is chocolate to be had so he scurries right over too. The first couple days it was really hard to wait until the next day(day 2 he took it upon himself to pull over the coffee table and get it down from on top of the armoire) but he knows that we do one chocolate and one box a day and is so cute with excitement! I took a pic of the advent calendar spread to commemorate this occasion in my passing down of favorite holiday traditions.

Another tradition that is happily at play is Christmas music. Both boys love it this year with Luke hearing it and saying "Christmas musak YAY" and Logan doing his little jig. So hooray for that too!
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