We were able to go to Ogden, Utah, this summer thanks to a generous offer from one of our friend and her parents to stay with them. We all had so much fun exploring and the kids really enjoyed being around their friends for so much time. Here are some of the highlights from our experiences
Here are Luke and his frined with their "flying" scooters. They designed and constructed the wings and jet packs and carefully applied them to the scooters what you see is the result in action

We also went bowling

And fishing at a trout farm where the kids were given a stick with a hook and allowed to just hook the fish out of the water. Luke and Logan both had fun but Logan was especially enthralled with the experience and just kept pulling them out of the water a little maniacally :D

Here we are on the train to SLC

And in temple square

We also went to
Lagoon, an amusement park, and got to ride the rides and play in the water, etc, etc

The end!