Friday, December 26, 2008

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We had the best Christmas ever this year. Grammy, Auntie Monique and Leyla made it just in time to all be together and we had a great day with a yummy brunch, presents and the traditional, yet sickening Chinese food. It was one of the most beautiful Christmas days with the snow falling and a fire the wood stove: who could ask for more :) Luke got not one but two car carriers and he and Leyla were in their glory. Chevy was an extremely happy dog as she devoured her new tennis balls. Logan, unfortunately, was not feeling well (someone has been sick for the past 2 Christmases...) but when he is better he will, I'm sure, join in the rambunctious play. The couple photos that I took are just of a lazy morning together.

Photobucket Photobucket

Whoops they're blurry...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it SNOW!

It has been steadily snowing for the past few days so here is a slideshow and video of the snow festivities...



We went to Twirl, the local toy store, play area, etc, for a craft show this past Saturday. They were offering wreath making as their craft for the day so we went to make one. Luke was insistent on adding cherries to the wreath but beyond that had little interest in the actual construction. So, I made a nice Christmas wreath complete with cherries. When we got home Lukey was much more interested in the wreath so Daddy and he hung it on the door to his room. He LOVES it and comes out to check on it before bed and runs over to it throughout the day to touch and just enjoy his glorious decoration.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy boys

and three hours of clean-up...



PS This was not intentional ie not a Mother approved activity. I was checking email and they were playing with their kitchen (or so I thought) and I heard joyous laughter which I went to check out and found the above scene. They were making flour angels, throwing flour-balls, and rolling about gleefully.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Countdown

December is here and with it the countdown to Christmas. I love advent calendars and the anticipation of opening the doors and getting the surprises. So, that is something that I am passing on to my kids and Luke is now the age that he understands a bit about time. It is the first thing he wants to do in the morning and he talks about it all day; what shape he got and what shape Logan got that day and all the days previous. Logan also knows that when the calendars come down there is chocolate to be had so he scurries right over too. The first couple days it was really hard to wait until the next day(day 2 he took it upon himself to pull over the coffee table and get it down from on top of the armoire) but he knows that we do one chocolate and one box a day and is so cute with excitement! I took a pic of the advent calendar spread to commemorate this occasion in my passing down of favorite holiday traditions.


Another tradition that is happily at play is Christmas music. Both boys love it this year with Luke hearing it and saying "Christmas musak YAY" and Logan doing his little jig. So hooray for that too!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Luke made this turkey at story time this week at the library. He cut all the feathers himself.


Ahh...I love the holidays :)

Trucks at work

We went to visit Daddy at work. He had a mini excavator and everyone was very excited to take their turns doing some digging.



Boogie fever!

Sorry it is the wrong direction...

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, today marks the first day that it snowed overnight and the snow actually stuck to the ground. There is about 2 to 3 inches out there and there are 2 boys in their glory!

Angel Fire

On Saturday, we went to visit Daddy and Grandpa in AF where they were working. There was a really nice park at the country club there with streams and a pond as well as a nice playground. We brought lunch and had a good romp.

This is the HUGE slide that was there. Luke was not scared at all and went right up and down quite a few times...


Daddy and Logan walking through the park




Even though the weather was really nice (sunny and in the 50's) there was still a bit of snow on the ground and Luke ran from patch to patch eating the little that was there. Here he is on the merry-go-round and throwing rocks with Grandpa in the pond


There you have it! Our day in Angel Fire :)

Time with Grandpa

Luke and Logan are enjoying their time with Grandpa and here is the evidence ;)


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This is Luke and Logan's new favorite thing to do. They take everything in the front room; shoes, cardboard, stroller, and misc other stuff and make a big pile in the middle of the room. I have to say it is not my favorite game as the clean-up is vast but at least the front room gets picked up often - right?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here is the artist at his easel. Luke received the easel for his birthday and is using neat Crayola watercolors that have the water in the brush so there is no mess!


And the finished masterpiece


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spooky video ;)

Halloween Time!

We started out the day with a fun visit and picnic to the Red River Fish Hatchery where they breed trout. Logan ran around the pool with the big trout saying "fish, fish" over and over. Lukey really enjoyed feeding the fish and watching as they all swarmed the food.

After nap, it was time for trick-or-treating. We got dressed and headed out to the plaza where all the local businesses offer candy to the kids. Luke decided to be a kitty cat this year so we scoured the world for a good costume and discovered that the choices were limited. I think his costume is perfect for him. In the pictures, also note his fabulous new shoes. Logan wore the Crush turtle costume (that has seen 3 years of use now) and cruised in style. The pictures are self explanatory regarding our day...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


This is the first entry in the story of our lives as told by me. Stay tuned for the updates and meanderings of the Leisher's...